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2020 - 2019

Milenna's  become increasingly interested in politics. Especially having watched Brazil go through such political turmoil in the last three years. It’s impossible not to be emotionally involved and not voice opinions. As the entire world becomes more polarized, and we see the rise of insane people in power, the increase of absurdity, poverty, injustice, hunger, unemployment, etc. I decided to shed light on people who use their lives to change this world for the better — activists. What these people have in common is the empathy they have for others. The artist tries to shed light in the qualities the portrait have in common, empathy, respect and love for the others. 


O interesse politico de Milenna fica evidente nesta séria de retratos intitulada “Empaths” (Empatas), onde os retratados são ativistas de todas as partes do mundo. Entre os nomes escolhidos pela artista encontramos artistas, militantes, políticos e lideres religiosos. Em tempos sombrios precisamos dar muito valor às pessoas que estão (ou tentaram) mudar o “status quo’ para o bem da humanidade. O que todos eles têm comum é a empatia que têm pelos outros. Somente a empatia e o amor vão combater os retrocessos que estamos vivendo hoje.”

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