SUPERNATURAL is a multi-media series of art work divided in two lines of work: photography and acrylic and oil paintings on canvas. This series represents a personal journey of exploration and identty questioning in relation to Nature versus Technology, Man versus Machine, Analogic versus Digital, and our role as human beings within this new and ever changing landscapes, sugesting a return to a fearless and primordial state. The series is currently in exhibition at The Peach Gallery in Toronto, Canada. Please contact The Peach Gallery for purchasing information. Click here to see the exhibition's catalog.

Oil and acrylic on canvas 100x60cm Private collection - Toronto, CN

Acrylic and pencil on canvas 100x100cm Available for purchase at The Peach Gallery

Acrylic and pencil on canvas 100x100cm Available for purchase at The Peach Gallery

Acrylic on canvas 100x100cm Available for purchase at The Peach Gallery

Acrylic on canvas 100x100cm Available for purchase at The Peach Gallery

Acrylic and oil on canvas 156 x 245 cm Private collection - Toronto, CN

Acrylic on canvas 100x100cm Available for purchase at The Peach Gallery

Acrylic on canvas 100x100cm Available for purchase at The Peach Gallery

Acrylic on canvas 100x100cm Available for purchase at The Peach Gallery
STOLEN PORTRAITS was created using discarted and forgoten materials. All protraits are made, using pictures from Facebook's accounts as references, without the account's owner's consent or knoledge. The paint used was from a key-chain size water-colour kit Milenna kept in a drawer since her childhood. This series is a comment o how Social Media is changing privacy and memory in our society. Click here to see the exhibition's catalog.
MATHS | 2013

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm

Water-color on paper 43x28cm
MATHS | 2013
Oil painting series made in custom-made wooden canvas built by the artist.


Oil on wood canvas 24"x 24" Available for purchase

Oil on wood canvas 12"x 12" (sold)

Oil on wood canvas 16"x 32" (sold)

Oil on wood canvas 16"x 32" (sold)

Oil on wood canvas 16"x 24" (sold)

Oil on wood canvas 22"x 22" Available for purchase

Oil on wood canvas 12"x 12" (sold)
Milenna C. Saraiva's 2013 series called A Tropical Empire consists of a series of 13 acrylic and oil paintings on canvases, 10 drawings on different kind of papers and a three installations, where the artist goes back in time to tell a story about her heritage and her country. Relying on imagery from the the time Brazil was a Colonial Empire, when the Portuguese made Brazil their exploration colony, the artist tries to find answers to the question “Why is Brazil is the way it is today?" - Exibition's Catalog - in Portuguese.

Oil on wood 24"x 20" SOLD private collection - Los Angeles, CA.

Acrylic and oil on canvas 40"x 40" SOLD private collection - Toronto, CN.

Acrylic and oil on canvas 40"x 40" SOLD private collection - Toronto, CN.

Acrylic and oil on canvas 40"x 40" Available for purchase

Acrylic and oil on canvas 40"x 40" Available for purchase

Acrylic and oil on canvas 24"x 40" SOLD private collection - Toronto, CN.

Acrylic and oil on canvas 40"x 40" SOLD private collection - Toronto, CN.

Acrylic and oil on canvas 24"x 24"x24" SOLD private collection - Toronto, CN.

Acrylic and oil on canvas 40"x 40" Available for purchase
CODEX | 2011 - 2012
Muiti-media series using collage and oil painting. In this series the artist portraits the changes she was going through while moving back to Brazil, after living in the United States for over 14 years. Besides psychological representations of feelings the artist portraits the people who became permanent part of her life during these 14 years living abroad. //
Série multimídia usando uma mistura de técnicas e descobrimentos mágicos que muito de vez em quando acontecem no estúdio. Essa série e muito sobre o seu processo de criação, que e paralelo ao que tento transmitir. CODEX "Os códices (ou codex, da palavra em latim que significa "livro", "bloco de madeira").

Mixed media on canvas 33"x16.5" SOLD private collection - Toronto, CN.

Mixed media on canvas 24"x 36" Available for purchase

Mixed media on canvas 36"x 24" Sold private collection - São Paulo, BR.

Mixed media on canvas 24" SOLD private collection - São Paulo, BR.

Mixed media on canvas 32"x 32" SOLD private collection - São Paulo, BR

Mixed media on canvas 40"x 40" Available for purchase

Mixed media on canvas 48"x 48" SOLD private collection - Toronto, CN.

Mixed media on canvas 24"x 48" SOLD private collection - Los Angeles, USA

Mixed media on canvas 24"x 36" SOLD private collection - Los Angeles, USA
HEX# | 2012
HEX# is the abreviation for hexadecimal. Each hexadecimal digit represents four binary digits (bits), and the primary use of hexadecimal notation is a human-friendly representation of binary-coded values in computing and digital electronics. In this series Milenna explores HEX colors on the canvases.

Oil on canvas 32"x 32" SOLD private collection - Los Angeles, USA

Oil on canvas 32"x 32" Available for purchase

Oil on canvas 40"x 40" Available for purchase

Oil on canvas 24" of diameter SOLD

Oil on canvas 28" of diameter SOLD

Oil on canvas 16"x24" SOLD

Oil on canvas 11"x15" SOLD

Oil on canvas 11"x15" SOLD

Oil on canvas 12"of diameter SOLD
Each painting starts with a spill on paper. After that I close my eyes and randomly draw on the paper. Then I start looking for things in them, such as animals, monsters, feathers or whatever I see and draw them. After the images are done I name them. They are completely "right brain". It's the first time I try and create art work and not think about it at all....just let it happen.

Mixed media on canvas 24"x 36" SOLD

Mixed media on cold press paper 34" x 20" Available for purchase

Acrylic and Ink on Paper 26"x 34" sold

Acrylic and Ink on Paper 26"x 34" sold

Watercolor and ink on paper 22" x 18" sold

Acrylic and Ink on Paper 16" x 20" Available for purchase

Watercolor and ink on paper 26" x 20" sold

Watercolor and ink on paper 18" x 20" Available for purchase

40"x 30" Ink and acrylic on coldpress paper commissioned piece sold
Series created using Milenna's friends body parts. Painted on a bed of golden acrylic paint and sacred goemetry background, and images with oils in black and white. The artist speaks about human behavior and what parts of our real self are exposed and percieved by others.

Acrylic and oil on wood 36"x 12" Only middle piece available

Acrylic and oil on canvas 38" x 38" sold

Acrylic and oil on canvas 11" x 16" sold

Acrylic and oil on canvas 20"x 11" Available for purchase

Acrylic and oil on canvas 6" x 6" sold

Acrylic and il on canvas 16" x 11" sold

Acrylic and il on canvas 36" x 24" sold

2009 Acrylic and il on canvas 8" x 12" sold

Acrylic and il on canvas 8"x 10" sold

2008 Oil on canvas 36" x 24" sold

...Not Frozen, 2008 Oil on canvas 24" x 30" sold

Oil on canvas 36" x 24 Available for purchase

...Our Parallel Life's), 2009 Oil on canvas 20 "x 16" sold

Oil on canvas 36" x 18" sold Donated to AIDS Life Cycle Benefit Auction.

Oil on canvas 24" x 36" sold

2009 Oil on canvas 24"x 36" Available for purchase

Oil on canvas 24" x 36" sold

Oil on canvas 60" x 36" commissioned piece - sold

Mixed Media on canvas 48"x 48" sold

Mixed media 36" x 24" sold

Oil and acrylic and collage on canvas 36" x 36" sold

Oil on canvas 36" x 12" sold

Oil on canvas 36" x 12" sold

Oil on canvas 24" x 11" sold

Oil on canvas 20" x 36" Available for purchase

Oil and collage on canvas 10" x 20" sold

Oil on canvas 38" x 24" sold
Series about the most visited places in Los Angeles by the artist, at the time. The portraits are of the people the artist used to personal train, while they were working out with her.

Mixed media Painting installation: 27 canvases 144" x 180" Private collection - Seattle, USA.








Most art work here was produced while Milenna was in Art School, from 2002 through 2005 . All pieces have been sold.

Oil on canvas 48" x 36" sold *Number and signed art prints available.

Mixed media on canvas 72" x 48" sold








Acrylic and oli on canvas 20"x16" SOLD

Watercolor, acrylic, pen on cold-press paper 30"x40" SOLD

Watercolor, acrylic, pen on cold-press paper 30"x40" SOLD